This is the first of two *"Demystifying Spin and Swerve"* billiards videos. This *Part One* deals with the *sidespin* imparted to the *cue ball* by a level cue stroke. Did you know that sidespin does not always cause a cue ball to curve or "swerve"? Or that sidespin may have little to no effect if the cue ball doesn't hit an obstacle? This video examines these questions. We also look at how *tip position* determines the *spin and spin axis* imparted to the cue ball and also how it affects *cue ball sliding versus rolling.* The various *spin phases as the cue ball rolls* down its path are also illustrated. And, have you heard of the *magic spiral?*
The *Demystifying Spin and Swerve - Part Two* video _(not yet uploaded)_ will investigate how shots *swerve.*
Grasping the concepts in these videos will give you a solid understanding of cue ball *spin and swerve* and how to manage them for better cue ball control.
Pool Ball Slide and Roll With Sidespin:
Spin Axis Flip Demonstration:
Object Ball Swerve and Turn:
Maximum Possible Spin:
Massé video clips: (courtesy Dr. Dave and Venom) (courtesy @MatchroomPool1)
#billiards #pool #cueball #side_spin #english #sliding #rolling
00:00 Intro
01:13 How a Ball Spins
03:11 Tip Position & Sliding Distance
04:30 Tip Position & Spin Axis Orientation
06:43 Level Cue Stick
08:08 The "Magic Spiral"
09:41 Mystery Solved
10:28 Sidespin Lifespan
11:58 Top-Left Spin
13:26 Bottom-Left Spin
14:50 Spin Phases Overview
17:04 Summary
18:13 What about swerve?