It's Destro's time to shine in his own mini-series from Skybound! With Energon changing the nature of Destro's ambitions, the world is his for the taking! That is, if it weren't for a few obstacles in his way, including Cobra Commander and the Crimson Twins Xamot and Tomax!
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Shout out and special thanks to MickDansforth who updates the Energon Universe wiki entries on Joepedia and generously links to this channel. Check out Joepedia here:
Duke #1
Published by Image Comics / Skybound on 6/19/2024
Dan Watters - Writer
Andrei Bressan - Artist
Adriano Lucas - Colorist
Rus Wooton - Letterer
Ben Abernathy - Editor
Andres Juarez - Logo & Publication Design
Richard Mercado - Production