While looking for Apartments / Flats, we often see impressive “square feet areas” advertised in the billboards. However, the real scenario usually differs - the flat appears to be smaller than advertised! This misconception is not false advertising - it is simply the difference of understanding WHAT is advertised. How do developers calculate their flat areas? Check our video for details!
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Wariakan Solutions
Wariakan Solutions is a platform that provides the latest solutions to infrastructures, buildings, and urban environments. We specialize in engineering and architecture services. While we are most well-known for our informative and educational contents regarding urbanization in Bangladesh, we provide much more than that! We create an unshakable foundation for progress because our multidisciplinary teams include engineers, architects, scientists, economists, builders, analysts, and artists!
Do you have buildings / dreams that you want to turn into reality in this modern era? Check out some of our works in our portfolio here! -
A few words regarding our team leader, Architect Quamrul Ameen (Pappu)
Architect Quamrul Ameen, popularly known as Arch. Pappu, has more than 30 years of working experience in Bangladesh, since his graduation from the Department of Architecture, BUET in 1989. Before starting his own company (Breeze Architects and Planners) back in 1994, he gathered experience working under iconic Architect Rabiul Hussein at renowned engineering firm, Shaheedullah & Associates Ltd. An esteemed Fellow of Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (IAB) – Arch. Pappu is a very active member in the construction industry of Bangladesh.
Are you looking for assistance, designs and planning for your apartment / building / infrastructure? Want to connect with us? We are all here to help you! -
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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wariakan
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdCito0OsJwZo3gqAph8V6A
Contact Number - +88-02222263458
Or you can comment below on any questions you have regarding building design and architecture from all over Bangladesh!
Interested to join Wariakan Solutions for work and project collaborations? Our projects always require skilled architects, planners and engineers. We provide contractual works to experienced architects and engineers (as per project). Fill out the form below! -
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Currently a student? Looking to enhance your skills for the real world under the tutelage of expert architects and engineers? Join us! Internships, Campus Associates and knowledge enhancement sessions are available for all students! Fill out the form below! -
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Wariakan Solutions
H 366, R 38, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka
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