In this video, I show a mixture of small little text and name references found in the environment, as well as looking at what statues and environments represent, what can they put into parallel with, what can they tell us about the story and characters. I also mention some of the dialogues, and try to interpret the meaning behind them~
00:00 - Mission 1 - angel statues, knights
01:13 - Mission 2 - Nero - church
06:14 - Mission 3 - Nero - library
09:48 - Mission 4 - V - food market
13:07 - Pizza!
15:13 - Mission 5 - Coliseum
16:56 - Mission 7 - Resident Evil reference
17:58 - Mission 12 Sparda statue
18:30 - Mission 17 - Home
20:20 - Mission 18-20 - Heaven