FREE DOWNLOAD (320 kbps): (Version in the video) Devil Trigger - DUAL MIX (Enhanced Edition) by Ardante (Version 1.1) 12-02-2019 - 246 downloads ALL Ardante's MIXES PLAYLIST Version 1.1 updated 05/11/2018 PROBLEMS WITH DOWNLOAD THROUGH PHONE: just try download from different browsers in your phone (install Google Chrome or any other & go on - that's how I solved this problem in my phone) ALTERNATIVE VERSIONS!!! Devil Trigger - DUAL MIX (Enhanced Edition) by Ardante (Version 1.1a - longer V version) (INCLUDES "The time has come" & "Devils Never Cry" from /v/ sings Devil Trigger) 12-02-2019 - 465 downloads Devil Trigger - DUAL MIX (Enhanced Edition) by Ardante (Version 1.1b - medium V version) (INCLUDES "The time has come" & "Devils Never Cry" from /v/ sings Devil Trigger but shorter version) 12-02-2019 - 130 downloads Devil Trigger - DUAL MIX (Enhanced Edition) by Ardante (Version 1.1c - no V version) 12-02-2019 - 122 downloads (my favourite version, too bad there is no acapella version of Devils Never Cry & The Time Has Come. I just like the idea of V version, but not the realization of it in this specific mix) Devil Trigger - DUAL MIX (Enhanced Edition) by Ardante (Version 1.1d - no V version & no Taunts) (this version is useful for those who want to make video montages without having DMC taunt references & "/V/ version") 12-02-2019 - 169 downloads This mix is made by Ardante & includes tracks such as: 1. Casey Edwards feat. Ali Edwards - Devil Trigger 2. Devil Trigger [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) 3. Devil Trigger (Instrumental recreation) (Lily Arciniega) 4. /v/ sings - Devil Trigger (idk) 5. Taunts from DMC3 & DMC4. Also, link to the one who gave me the main concept of the mix, to DUAL MIX (Millz) Thumbnail pic: 12-02-2019 - 54 downloads Picture in video (made by "Fanatic-Yaoi")