This is Kitos story mode song, divine intervention will be moved to freeplay. This is basically like a divine intervention reimagining I was trying to listen to criticisms on divine intervention when I made this.
Kitos has two chromatics here and the first one you hear is his resting voice. The second one is how he sounds when he is enraged and speaks while the light energy is coming out of him.
Composed by me
Art is all by @healed1234
Kitos followers/worshippers voiced by @Misfittin-Catnip & @DaPootisBird
Soundcloud ver:
Right now Kito is sorta gonna be stealing the spotlight from Kofuku cause there was supposed to be some videos more focused on him but we get distracted. You will see more of Kofuku and some big youtubers playing a special build of the mod after this. Smoking exeternal leaks.
#fnf #lordxwrath #gatekeepers