Important Links:
Lori’s Bks
Moments With God for Couples (bk)
Devotions together every day
Pray for each other throughout the day
Devotionals with Our Daily Bread
A Word For Your Day (bk - Lori)
Moments With God (bk)
Devotional Time for Couples
There are habits and practices that every faith-believing couple is encouraged to incorporate into their relationship and marriage as a way to safeguard against divorce. Devotions are one of those 'should's.' It is also one of those things that can easily be relegated and pushed aside.
David and Lori Hatcher were one of those couples until something someone said flipped a switch in their hearts and motivated them to make a change. As Lori says, "We realized when you are committed to your marriage, everything else falls in place."
The Hatchers began to see a new point of connection because they committed to praying for each other, and they found themselves thinking about each other more throughout the day. "We realized God was knitting our hearts back together again," Lori said.
How can you, as a marriage leader, help draw the couples you work with closer to each other, as well as a step closer to God?
Come and join us as we visit with David and Lori Hatcher. Learn how to help couples see that doing Bible Study and devotionals together can soften their hearts as well as give them the right frame of mind to receive feedback from their spouse.
"God's word never returns void. Biblically based material accomplishes what God intends for it to." - Lori Hatcher
Learn more about the Hatchers at Marriage Resources:
About the Hatchers:
Lori and David Hatcher are the authors of Moments with God for Couples: 100 Devotions for Growing Closer to God and Each Other, a book born out of their desire to help couples prioritize daily prayer and Bible study together. Dedicated Bible study mentors and Toastmasters International speakers, the Hatchers hope to engage couples in a world that’s hungry for God but short on time. An Our Daily Bread author and motivational speaker, Lori’s written eight books, two of which are best-sellers, including A Word for Your Day, 66 Devotions to Refresh Your Mind.
The vision of the Marriage Initiative is to elevate the importance of marriage through leadership teams collectively and collaboratively working together. All of the information provided on our website should be interpreted as an effort to fulfill that vision. Opinions expressed by speakers and presenters at Marriage Initiative events are not necessarily those of the Marriage Initiative. Our events and communications are intended to be educational and informational in nature and are not to be considered professional counseling nor are they intended to replace the services provided by trained professional counselors and therapists. If a link takes you to a site other than (or any page found at that web address), then we are not responsible for the information or content at that linked site. By accessing our website, you agree that any disputes you have with Marriage Initiative, will be submitted to the conflict reconciliation procedures of Peacemaker Ministries. Marriage Initiative is not affiliated with Peacemaker Ministries.