Music | Arrangement :Rockheads
Lyrics|Composition :Swapnil Sharma/Sanjay Aryal
Mix Engineer : Saswot Shrestha / Arun Tandukar
Mastering Engineer : Saswot Shrestha
Recording Engineer : Samyak Lama
Film by Chinoétales Production.
Cast : Ruja Raut, Rabin Sasanker
Director : Abhi Sampang Rai
Assistant Director : Saman Maharjan
Creative Director: Sulav Singh Chettri
DOP/Edit /Color : Bikesh Magar
DIT : Purusottam Kandel
VFX : Saurav Shakya
Production Management: Paras Rai
Art Direction: Shrisit Rai, Samasti Rai
Lights : Photon films
Makeup: Ashmita Rai
Sound partner : Live Solution pvt.Ltd.
Special Thanks :
John nuyens, Avinash Gurung (Japan), Gautam Tandukar, Abhisek Rai, Samir shrestha, Sonam Pakhrin lama, Yogendra gurung (Melbourne), Nabin(Mimp), Himal khadka , Sushang Lama( live solutions), Harmonium musicals, Arshia Shrestha, Snehi Karmacharya, Dolmu Sherpa.
Our live-sound Crew : Prajwal Waiju/ Sabin shakya for all the hardwork and tolerance.
Stay connected :
Rockheads-Nepal lineup :
Vocal /Bass : Sanjay Aryal
Drums /Percussion : Samyak Pakhrin Lama
Guitar : Ridesh Pakhrin Tamang
Keyboard /Synth : Dawa Sherpa
- Live solution pvt Ltd .
- Wear em all.
- LineLab Architects.
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©RockheadsNepal, 2024