#甲狀腺結節 是指 #甲狀腺 內出現腫塊,有些人會感到頸部有突出的地方,繼而會有吞咽困難、呼吸不暢順等,但多無明顯症狀。外科專科醫生 #張源斌醫生 為大家講解甲狀腺結節的症狀、診斷及治療方法。甲狀腺結節通常都是良性的,少部分惡性個案需要將部分或整個甲狀腺切除。
Thyroid nodules refer to lumps that appear within the thyroid gland. Some people may notice a protrusion in their neck, followed by swallowing and breathing difficulties, but most experience no obvious symptoms. Dr. TEOH Yuen Bun, Anthony, Specialist in General Surgery, will explain the symptoms, methods of diagnosis, and treatment options for thyroid nodules. Usually, these nodules are benign, but a small number of malignant cases may require partial or total removal of the thyroid.
00:10 甲狀腺結節是什麼?What are thyroid nodules?
00:49 甲狀腺結節的原因是什麼?What are the causes of thyroid nodules?
01:32 如何診斷甲狀腺結節?How are thyroid nodules diagnosed?
02:25 如何治理甲狀腺結節?What is the treatment of thyroid nodules?
For more details, please visit below website and contact us:
養和外科中心HKSH Surgery Centre
電話Tel: 2835 8698