Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka is a Professor of religious history at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Her research focuses on religion and technology, but it was her research about purgatory specifically that lead her to UFO culture, a journey she documents in her book, American Cosmic. Here she helps us understand the connection between tech, religion & aliens, explains why you might think about something & then see it show up in your life & why some Christians get offended at the idea of interplanetary life.
This is episode 148 of my podcast, Meredith for Real: the curious introvert. Find it wherever you listen to your podcasts!
S U B S C R I B E T O M Y C H A N N E L:
G E T E M A I L S W I T H N E W E P I S O D E S S N E A K P E E K S & C L I F F N O T E S:
In the U.S. - Text REAL to 66866
Outside the U.S. – go to https://www.meredithforreal.com/
W H A T T O W A T C H N E X T:
US GOVERNMENT SAYS UFOs ARE REAL https://youtu.be/sPswfmfri9M
B R O W S E S C I E N C E & T E C H N O L O G Y P L A Y L I S T:
I N S T A G R A M:
F A C E B O O K:
W E B S I T E:
G U E S T:
S P E C I A L T H A N K S:
Audio: http://paulstaddenvoiceover.com/
Location: https://uwf.edu/university-advancement/departments/historic-trust/
Video Assistant: Micah Minnocci
Set Consulting: Travis Patterson
Video Editing: Pensacola Digital
W R I T E M E:
6901A N 9th Ave # 195
Pensacola, FL 32504
#dianawalshpasulka #ufology