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Shortly before 1:00am on Friday, August 9th 2013, the Coke County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call reporting that a stranded vehicle was blocking Route 277 somewhere near Bronte, Texas. For local law enforcement, this wasn’t an unusual evening. People traveling on that stretch of desolate two lane highway have very few options when it comes to fueling up, with Bronte having the only gas stations for over thirty miles in either direction. Assuming that someone had underestimated how far it would be to the next gas stop, the Sheriff’s Office dispatched Chief Deputy Brandon Neal and Deputy Chris Fox to go out and locate the stranded vehicle, with Neal heading south while Fox made his way north. Moments later, around 1:10am, Neal’s headlights illuminated the reason for the call: a silver Ford F-150 sat on the shoulder, its front slightly across the white line. It belonged to Brandon Lawson, and he was nowhere to be found.
Check out Bert’s work: https://youtube.com/@LocalLegendsBertonMoran?si=2CiIboq1cpADNRp0
List of Visual Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gxvYCwi4291Ove4E6x4AkDeVJt59pcR_573YKU4jatk/edit?usp=sharing
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00:00 - Cold Open
00:25 - Introduction
5:31 - Into the Thick of It
11:54 - The Short Arm of the Law
28:12 - What Happened to Brandon Lawson?