Exploring the ‘correct’ definition of wet-dry… and why we don’t do it
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Welcome to the show! Regular viewers will know that Dan and I are simply in love with ‘wet-dry’ guitar rigs. The term causes a soupçon of mouth-frothing apoplectic rage out there in the world, however, because there are many different ways in which you can approach wet and dry signal explanations.
Erm, probably should say at this point that ‘dry’ in this context usually means just a guitar amp with no effects except whatever overdrive it’s making. ‘Wet’ usually refers to all other effects: chorus, phaser, flanger… but most commonly delay and reverb.
Now then. We’ve evolved to having a ‘TPS Wet Dry’ approach which doesn’t really satisfy the ‘correct’ definition of the term (and indeed causes much of the mouth-frothing mentioned above). So this video is all about unravelling that whole deal and comparing a ‘classic’ wet-dry-wet rig with what we call – eventually – ‘TPS Wet-Dry’.
Why use wet-dry at all? What’s wrong with just a guitar, amp and cable? What about front of house? We talk about all that and more…
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Enjoy the show!
And please visit That Pedal Shop! https://www.thatpedalshop.com/
Pedals & stuff used in this video
• J Rockett Audio Designs Hot Rubber Monkey
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: https://bit.ly/3g6OTCr
• Lazy Bear Custom Parallel Splitter
• Ernie Ball VPJR Volume & Tuner
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
USA Sweetwater: https://imp.i114863.net/oeDzem
• Lazy Bear Custom Volume Box
• JAM Pedals Waterfall
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: https://bit.ly/3ypCgem
• Free The Tone FF-1Y Future Factory
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
• Catalinbread Topanga
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: http://bit.ly/2qVOTyJ
• Lands Devices Mixer
• TheGigRig Humdinger
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
0:00 Intro and playing
4:11 Why are we asking this question?
4:48 What is wet-dry anyway?
8:05 Today’s board
8:30 The ‘dry’ amp, Cali Tweed
9:40 How do we add the effects?
10:50 Amp effects loop?
13:05 Today’s circuit diagram and explanation
16:05 Why parallel is important
16:50 Parallel delay and reverb
19:50 True vibrato and chorus
22:45 Adding overdrive, relative wetness
25:09 Why do this at all?
26:45 Dan has a play
32:10 Drawbacks of wet-dry-wet
36:30 Music changed too
38:30 Why ‘TPS Wet-Dry’?
39:36 Humbuckers classic wet-dry-wet
40:48 Humbuckers TPS Wet-Dry
42:18 Signal routing for TPS Wet Dry
43:50 Wet & Dry amp sounds for TPS Wet Dry
45:30 Amps in and out of phase
47:37 Benefits and drawbacks of TPS Wet Dry
50:30 There are other ways to do this
51:38 Where are we now?
52:22 Adding reverb & gain in the amps
58:10 Final thinkings and discoverations
Guitars in this episode:
• 1970 Fender Stratocaster - no video yet
• Gibson Custom True Historic 1957 Les Paul Goldtop Murphy Aged - no video yet
• Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster – Dan’s video here https://youtu.be/rnQ4OIJFTgY
Amps & cabs in this episode:
• Mesa/Boogie California Tweed 6V6 4:40 1 x 12 combo with Jensen Blackbird Alnico speaker
• Mesa/Boogie 50/50 Stereo Power Amp - no longer made, I found this on Reverb.com
• Zilla Custom 1x12 cabs with Celestion G12H-75 Creamback and WGS12L speakers
• Victory V140 The Super Duchess
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Please visit our preferred retailers!
UK & Europe: Andertons Music https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: Pedal Empire http://bit.ly/2mWmJQf