0:00 Introduction
0:55 Topography of Diencephalon
1:58 Parts of the Diencephalon
4:48 Thalamus: External
5:32 Thalamus: Internal
13:55 Metathalamus
15:56 Metathalamus Connections with Thalamus
16:57 Epithalamus
17:57 Subthalamus
18:25 Hypothalamus
20:22 Hypothalamic Nuclei
The scheme in the beginning is inspired from Dr. Najeeb's lecture about the Diencephalon.
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Topography of the Diencephalon:
- Lies above the Mesencephalon
- Lies around the 3rd ventricle
Parts of the Diencephalon:
- Thalamus
- Epithalamus
- Subthalamus
- Metathalamus
- Hypothalamus
External Thalamus:
- Anterior Tubercle (Tuberculum Anterius Thalami)
- Pulvinar (Pulvinar Thalami)
- Interthalamic Adhesion (Adhesio Interthalamica)
Internal Thalamus:
- Internal Medullary Lamina (Medial Medullary Lamina)
- Anterior Nuclei
○ Emotional Episodic Memory
○ A part of the Limbic System (Hyppocampys, Thalamus, Amygdala, Fornic, Cingulate Gyrus, Mamillary Body)
○ Papez Circuit
- Medial Nuclei (Medial Dorsal Nucleus)
○ Relate Sensory, motor, and olfactory with emotions
- Lateral Nuclei
○ Lateral Dorsal
§ Lateral Dorsal
§ Lateral Posterior
○ Lateral Ventral
§ Ventral Anterior (Basal Ganglia)
§ Ventral Lateral (Basal Ganglia)
§ VentroPosterioLateral Nuclei (VPL)
§ Medial Lemniscus
§ Spinothalamic Tract
§ VentroPosterioedial Nuclei (VPM)
§ Trigeminal Lemniscus (Lemniscus Trigeminalis)
§ Gustation (Taste)
○ Pulvinar
- Medial Geniculate Body
○ Auditory Pathway:
○ Cochlear Nerve
○ Cochlear Nuclei
○ Lateral Lemniscus
○ Inferior Colliculi
○ Brachium of the Inferior Colliculi (Brachium Colliculi Inferior)
○ Medial Geniculate Body
○ Primary Auditory Cortex (Superior Temporal Gyrus)
- Lateral Geniculate Body
○ Visual Pathway:
○ Receptors of Optic Nerve (CNII)
○ Optic Chiasm
○ Lateral Geniculate Body (Metathalamus)
○ Primary Visual Cortex
○ Brachium of the Superior Colliculi (Brachium Colliculi superior)
○ Inferior Colliculi
Metathalamus connection with Thalamus:
- Pulvinar, Lateral Posterior and Lateral Dorsal
- Receives information from Superior Colliculus and Inferior Colliculus. As well as Medial Geniculate body and Lateral Geniculate Body
- Pineal Gland (Corpus Pineale)
○ Produces Melatonin
- Habenular Trigone (Trigonum Habenulae)
- Habenular Nuclei (Nuclei Habenulares)
- Habenular Commissure (Commissura Habenularum)
- Posterior Commissure (Commissura Posterior)
- A part of the Basal Ganglion to help start a movement, stop movement, and coordinate movement
- Thalamus Opticus
○ Optic Chiasm (Chiasma Opticum)
○ Optic Tract (Tractus Opticus)
- Mamillary Bodies (Corpus Mamillare)
○ Emotional Episodic Memory
○ Reflex with Olfaction
- Hypothalamic Nuclei
○ Lateral Hypothalamic Area
○ Posterior Hypothalamic Area
○ Anterior Hypothalamic Area
○ Paraventricular Nucleus (Pain)
○ Preoptic Nucleus (Decreases HR, BP, etc)
○ Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (Circadian Rhythm)
○ Supraoptic Nucleis (Thirst)
○ Arcuate Nucleus (Regulate Hormone Release)
○ Ventromedial Nucleus (Satiety Feeling)
○ Mamillary Bodies
○ Dorsal Medial (Sleep regulation and food intake)
- Tuber Cinerum
- Infundibulum
- Pituitary Gland (Posterior Pituitary)
Sources used in this video:
- Memorix Anatomy 2nd Edition by Hudák Radovan (Author), Kachlík David (Author), Volný Ondřej (Author)
- Biorender
- University notes and lectures