Difa e Hazrat Ameer Muawiya with authentic references | Mufti Fazal Ahmad Chishti full bayan | Shan e Hazrat Amir Muawiya ra
233 دفاع سیدنا معاویہ رضی اللہ عنه
از مفکر اسلام امام الغیرت مفتی فضل احمد چشتی
Welcome to Islam Shanasi, your go-to channel for Islamic lectures and bayanat. In this video, Mufti Fazal Ahmad Chishti delivers a heart touching bayan on Difa e Ameer Muawiya with authentic references.
In this Islamic bayan, Mufti Fazal Ahmad Chishti sheds light on the life of Ameer Muawiya, the katib e wahi, and his contribution to Islam. He discusses the importance of defending the honor and dignity of the Sahaba, and refutes the misconceptions spread about Ameer Muawiya.
Mufti Fazal Ahmad Chishti's full bayan is a comprehensive account of the events leading up to the battle of Siffin and the role of Ameer Muawiya in it. His bayan is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn about the true beliefs of Islam and the importance of defending the honor of the Sahaba.
So, if you want to learn about Difa e Ameer Muawiya with authentic references, watch this bayan by Mufti Fazal Ahmad Chishti now!
Hashtags: #islam #FazalChishtiBayan #MuftiFazalAhmadChishti #IslamicLectures #DifaEAmeerMuawiya #AmeerMuawiya #MuawiyaKatibeWahi #IslamicBeliefs #DeenIslam #HeartTouchingBayan #AuthenticReferences #BayanUrdu #islamicbayan