Fun & Interesting

Digging Over THIRTY 1800's Hutchinson Soda Bottles FULL OF ORIGINAL CONTENTS! UNBELIEVABLE FIND!!!!

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Alright guys... This one is pretty ridiculous to say the least. To my knowledge, nothing like this has ever occurred in the digging hobby, at least not to this extent. This dig happened back in 2019-2020 and we stockpiled footage until we completely killed the spot. This was truly a once in a lifetime dig and we are all extremely thrilled to have been a part of it. We have several theories as to how so many sealed full hutches could have been discarded in one concentrated area like this, but we would love to hear your thoughts as well. This area has flooded many times in the last couple of century's, and it's possible that could have played a roll. Perhaps a bottling plant nearby got flooded and this is the result? The most likely scenario (in my opinion) is that these were discarded at a time when they were already "old" and possibly considered to be no good anymore. The hutches are of course 1880's-1900 era, but most of the trash in this spot dated closer to the 1920-30's range and even later. Noone knows for sure how they ended up here. All we know is we are thankful it happened and stoked to be able to share the fun with all of you! Video edited by Shayne Potter Music by "Underground River" Check out their stuff on iTunes & Spotify! #Bottledigging #olddump #privy #privydigging #dumpdigging #outhouse #antiquebottles #bottles #antiques #metaldetecting #treasurehunting #buriedtreasure #timecapsule #picking #digging #oldbottles #bottledump #abandoned #privies #archaeology
