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በDigital Marketing የመጀመሪያ 50ሺ እንዴት ይገኛል

Yonas Moh 4,980 23 hours ago
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ሶሻል ሚድያ ማርኬቲንግ (Social Media Marketing Agency) ኮርስ 10,500 የነበረውን 👉 በ6,825 📌 በ3 ወር ጊዜ ሶሻል ሚድያ ማርኬቲንግን ማስተር ማድረግ ብቻ ሳይሆን የራሳችሁን ኤጀንሲ መጀመር የሚያስችላችሁ ኮርስ። ✔️ ኮርሶቹ የሚሰጡት 100% ኦንላይን ነው 📡 ✔️ ለሚጨርሱ ሰዎች ሰርቲፊኬት እንሰጣለን 🎓 ✔️ ለተወሰነ ጊዜ ብቻ በ35% ቅናሽ 💰 ✔️ የምትፈልጉትን ውጤት እስክታመጡ በሁለት ሳምንት አንድ ጊዜ በቀጥታ Telegram Live Session እየገባን እናግዛችኋለን 🔴 ✔️ እንደናንተው በስራ ላይ ያሉ ሰዎችን የምታገኙበት Community ለመመዝገብ ► 0:00 - Intro 02:17 - 1st 05:46 - 2nd 08:11 - 3rd 09:58 - 4th 11:42 - 5th Join our growing community for live Q&A with me ► 🍿 WATCH NEXT: ► ► ► ► Let's Connect: 📸 IG: @yonasmoh Follow me on Tiktok : @yonasmoh instagram : @yonasmohh facebook : @yonas_moh **************************** All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please contact me via my email in the "about" page on my channel.
