Dilema Yang Hebat | The Divine Dilemma Story in Indonesian | Dongeng | Dongeng anak | Cerita2 dongeng Indonesia | Dongeng Anak Indonesia Kartun | Cerita dongeng | 4K UHD | Dongeng Bahasa Indonesia | @IndonesianFairyTales
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► Bebek Buruk Rupa - Ugly Duckling : https://youtu.be/zKX5LtCmJwA
► Putri Cantik yang Tertidur - Sleeping Beauty : https://youtu.be/FE79lwP8yww
► Thumbelina in Indonesian : https://youtu.be/Jo3wupIfCGo
► Serigala dan Tujuh Anak - Wolf And The Seven Little Goats : https://youtu.be/ELc0z-EA1z4
► Gadis Si Kecil - Little Match Girl : https://youtu.be/0d93f54Im7o
► Rapunzel in Indonesian : https://youtu.be/ch5xj5wstMw
► Cinderella in Indonesian : https://youtu.be/u1m23mR-w8g
► Dua Belas Putri yang Menari - 12 Dancing Princess : https://youtu.be/Q-CyQiRTkQw
► Putri Duyung - Little Mermaid : https://youtu.be/xZAATa4bbkE
► Putri Salju dan Tujuh Kurcaci - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs : https://youtu.be/gWI9_6oE530
► Hansel dan Gretel - Hansel And Gretel : https://youtu.be/RBQdt8MI2rM
► Sepatu Merah - Red Shoes : https://youtu.be/qGv3YZKH-14
► Seekor Tikus Kecil Yang Ternyata Seorang Putri - Little Mouse Who Was A Princess : https://youtu.be/0c50tsnob1s
► Tiga Babi Kecil -Three Little Pigs : https://youtu.be/GHb5Y6CdUmI
► Pinokio - Pinocchio : https://youtu.be/fLGkV0iZUj4
► Ratu Salju - Snow Queen : https://youtu.be/dEi-kjHVKZI
► Gadis Kecil Berkerudung Merah - Little Red Riding Hood : https://youtu.be/Dkk92g16nxY
► Sang Pangeran Kodok - Frog Prince : https://youtu.be/rNxNx6Qb-SE
► Dongeng putri - Princess Fairy Tales 1 : https://youtu.be/ntTsABieM2M
► Para Peri dan Pembuat Sepatu - Elves and the Shoe Maker : https://youtu.be/3EUX3y9hyjI
Parental guidance: Some material of this video may not be suitable for children’s Below 13 year’s of age.
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The Indonesian Fairy Tales Channel and all of its videos are not “directed to children” within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 312.2 of CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (USA) are not intended for children under 13 years of age. Indonesian Fairy Tales and its owner(s), agents, representatives, and employees do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of Indonesian Fairy Tales CHANNEL. Further, Indonesian Fairy Tales CHANNEL denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection.