In this video I will show the concept of pruning a bonsai forest, including directional pruning, the difference between Zelkova en Elm. How Japanese Maples require different pruning than zelkova and more.
A true "Pruning basics" video!
0:00 Introduction to my zelkova forest
0:33 The difference between Zelkova and Elm
1:02 Bonsai renovation: Taking apart an old forest and making a new zelkova forest
1:30 Benefit & method: bonsai forests need to be pruned
2:14 Internode distance, backbudding & directional pruning bonsai
3:28 Pruning Bonsai: Which branches to remove?
4:40 Balancing energy between top and bottom branches steering growth
5:45 Directional pruning for clip and grow development
6:20 Clip and grow differences between Japanese Maple and Elm / Zelkova
8:08 Bonsai development: How to prune the front and lower branches of a bonsai forest
8:48 Hydrate your trees!
9:00 Directional pruning concept explained & Why this is great for Zelkova
10:15 Why should you prune bonsai branches to two buds / Leaves?
10:50 timelapse pruning zelkova forest
11:50 Lower and upper branche balance pruning
12:30 final considerations on pruning, taking cuttings of zelkova, and balancing the forest compostion