Off to Châteauneauf-sur-Charente as it is near to Barbezieux, where our friend is in hospital. We went there without a plan to eat, so we didn't book anywhere, but found a restaurant we liked the look of....... We got there to find it close, then found another 3 restaurants, that were closed too!! Disaster as Louise was really hungry!! Did we find a place to eat, before Louise started eating her own wrists! Oh and the price was €59.80 oops forgot to say in the video 🙄
Saint-Pierre Church ⛪ of Châteauneuf-sur-Charente .
The parish church ⛪ of Saint-Pierre is remarkable for its statuary and in particular the horseman on the frontispiece, which represents the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine , crushing paganism . This statue symbolizes the victory of Christianity over paganism, materialized by the construction of the church, since it was built on a former pagan place of worship🙏.
The church hides an amusing detail, a snail 🐌sculpted in high relief, at the end of the nave, on the altar side. The petit-gris snail is a symbol of Charente, supposed to represent both the character of the inhabitants, discreet, peaceful, not inclined to get excited, a bit home-loving, and to show their attachment to this animal, from a culinary angle. The Castelnoviens like to show this " snail " 🐌 to their guests. Its search occupies the children🚸 during the visit of the monument.⛪
The Church ⛪ of Saint-Pierre was a former Benedictine priory of the Abbey of Bassac .
Saint Surin
This church ⛪seems to belong to the primitive Romanesque type. The nave is composed of two bays. The pillars of the double arch have disappeared, as well as the vault, replaced by a floor. A stone dome covers the choir. A small apse vaulted in a cul-de-four completes the building. Raising of the walls at the end of the 11th century.
The church was given to the abbey of Saint-Florent de Saumur by Bishop Girard II in 1114, it is currently an annex of Chateauneuf
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