Discord is finally removing the gaming guild feature and Discord's egangsters are furious. But I'm finally happy for once, so that's nice.
Discord's clan tags / guild tags are a pretty simple feature, add a 1-4 characters next to your name in chat with a little icon. Seems harmless... Yet since Discord only released it to a small number of people, it created another Discord black market. In fact, it created Discord's biggest black market.
And Discord let it fester for months... and it became degenerate. Scamming, recruitment, straight up moronic bypasses, and of course... predators.
But there is something to be excited about, Discord will be bringing some of the features of gaming guilds back for everyone :)
Discord Server
00:00 - Discord's Guild Tags
02:14 - The Black Market
07:15 - Black Market Degeneracy (scams, memes, and predators)
13:23 - Discord's Announcement Nuke
15:42 - What Features are Coming Back?