Originally Aired on the Disney Channel February 1985 (#9 in The Series of 20 Disney Family Albums)
The father/son team of Peter and Harrison Ellenshaw are responsible for the English matte background images for an increasable array of films, for both the Disney Studio and others. Peter started his career in the 1930s and 40’s starting with Walt Disney Studios for their first completely live-action feature film, Treasure Island in 1950. Peter contributed as a matte artist for 20,000 Leagues, Old Yeller, Pollyanna, Swiss Family Robinson, and The Love Bug to name a few. Peter won an Academy Award for Special Effects for his work on Mary Poppins. Harrison followed in his father’s footsteps starting his career at Disney and moving to ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) where he produced class matte visual effects and background for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. He returned to Disney where he and his father were nominated for an Academy Award for their work on the Disney film, “The Black Hole”. Harrison eventually headed the Disney Studios effects department, Buena Vista Visual Effects, BVVE, supervising the special effects for Tron.
#DisneyFamiltyAlbum #PeterEllenshaw #HarrisonEllenshaw #mattepainting
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