In the 1960s, Walt Disney carried the torch of one of humanity's oldest pursuits, the search for mechanical life. The result was Audio-Animatronics, a new breed of robots designed to mimic life.
In this first part of a two-part exploration into living machines in Disney Parks, Kevin explores the history of automatons and the initial development of Disney's Animatronics.
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Major Sources and Additional Reading:
Edison's Eve by Gaby Wood:
Persistence of Vision #6/7 by Paul F. Anderson (Out of Print)
Marc Davis In His Own Words by Pete Docter and Christopher Merritt:
Table of Contents:
0:00 - Chapter One: The Sixth Day
19:53 - Chapter Two: Talking Heads
39:46 - Chapter Three: Methods of Control
01:00:40 - Chapter Four: The Resurrection of Abraham Lincoln
01:20:05 - Chapter Five: Pandora's Box
This video is adjacent to Five Nights at Freddy's, so I am allowed to include it in the description for keyword reasons. Freddy Fazbear.
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