Today, on the second installment of our Hualien series, HahaTai follows Yuri Mowna deep into Chongde Village, Xiulin Township to the Tkijig Indigenous Tribal Village.
Hualien EP1:
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00:00 how we get into the tribe
00:47 Mrs. Yuri
02:08 embark on a fishing trip
03:42 Niunailei~ (where's the Milk?)
04:11 the sea cock
05:23 had an opportunity once into entertainment
07:23 singing karaoke with interviewees
09:30 visit a local farmer’s orchard
10:22 how the trap works
11:48 hunting knife with all purposes
13:25 the group dance in the harvest festival
16:11 bamboo rice
18:00 wisdom of Mrs. Yuri
20:24 mhuway su balay (thank you)
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