Divorce hurts and it's especially difficult and painful when children are involved, Jillian knows first-hand.
It's nearly unheard-of for a divorced couple to have a good relationship, let alone be "friends" and maintain the sense of "family" for their children. When you focus on the kids and what's best for them, putting your own feelings/hurts/emotions aside (which is NOT easy), the innocent children you brought into this world benefit, and you just might too. Jillian Wells came to Greenville in 2002 to continue her career in television news on FOX Carolina as a Meteorologist/News Reporter. Although born and raised in the Cleveland, OH area, she fell in love with Greenville and built her family and career here over the last 17 years.
Prior to her job with her husband’s company, Jillian filled various roles including: Meteorologist/News Reporter for FOX Carolina and fill-in Meteorologist with WYFF4, Senior Sales Representative for JanPak Supplies, Director of the Imagine Center Fitness club and the toughest job yet as a Stay-at-Home Mom.
Jillian is honored to share her story and experience as a divorcee in hopes that others going through the same thing can be empowered to put their feelings aside and focus on the children first. In her spare time, Jillian loves playing with her boys, traveling, being outdoors, working out and dancing. with their exes and are living the best version of divorce. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx