I recently had the fantastic Carla Puig come and teach some classes at my shop and while she was here we just had to make a cake together. We both absolutely love Pusheen and Hello Kitty so thought this would make the perfect collaboration ❤️
Carlas fantastic work can be found here; https://www.instagram.com/carlapuig_sugaratelier/ 🥰
00:00 Intro
01:01 Making the cake
05:52 Final touches
07:20 Outro
Tools and products used in this video -
* Saracino Scultura mixed with white Saracino Pasta Top mixed with grey food colouring - Grey Body https://bit.ly/SaracinoScultura - https://bit.ly/saracinopastatop - https://bit.ly/SugarFlairColours
* Saracino Black Pasta Top - Outline - https://bit.ly/saracinoblackpastatop
* Saracino White Pasta Top - Face - https://bit.ly/saracinowhitepastatop
* Saracino Yellow Pasta Top - Nose - https://bit.ly/yellowpastatop
* Saracino Baby Pink Pasta Top - Bow - https://bit.ly/saracinopinkpastatop
* Kuhn Rikon Paring Knife - https://bit.ly/kuhnrikonknives
* PME Rolling Pin - https://bit.ly/rollingpinPME
* Ruler - https://bit.ly/30cmruler
* Extruder - https://bit.ly/metal_extruder
* Cake frame comprised of Masonite cake board, rod, straws, (dowels),cake cards, food safe aluminium tape.
I used Saracino products for this cake but you could totally swap for a different brand 😊
To see more of my cakes and creations please visit my pages below-
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/zoesfancycakes
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@zoesfancycakes
Twitter https://twitter.com/zoesfancycakes
Instagram https://instagram.com/zoesfancycakes/
Website http://www.zoesfancycakes.co.uk/