Many people ask me how to make a body splash with glitter, like those from Victoria's Secret or other brands. But it's important to understand the difference: it's not a highlighter. Highlighters have a specific formula that can be problematic. What people are looking for is that shine that appears in perfume, but without exaggeration.
I'll explain everything to you!
How to make a body splash with glitter, what are the difficulties in creating a body splash highlighter, and what can go right or wrong. I'll teach you how to create this product that everyone loves, with a beautiful and wonderful sparkling shine. Plus, it has an incredible scent and is highly valued.
And to help even more, we'll talk a little about costs, so that you understand that it's possible to make this product at home and even make money with it.
Want to learn? Then let's go!
Body Splash with Glitter
Required materials:
400ml of gel diffuser base
400ml of cereal alcohol
150ml of essence (100ml Bela Vida and 50ml Vanilla Home Gold)
10ml of cereal alcohol and Pink Cosmetic Mica Powder Pigment
Note: to thin, add another 100ml of gel diffuser base
Support materials:
1000ml measuring cup
150ml measuring cup
Silicone spatula or stainless steel spoon
Funnel jar
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