We make food for our cats. Cat food in retort bags in a Wayne autoclave 2.Preparation in retort bags with a retort kit for an autoclave. Tasting. Our cats and cats.🧷
The Wein2 autoclave can be purchased here: https://wein.ru/avtoklav-2?utm_source=youtube&&utm_campaign=mi-i-priroda&utm_content=avtoklav-24-01-25
With the promo code "NATURE" 3% discount%
Retort kit for Vane 2 autoclave: https://clck.ru/3FwRBD
Contact email: weandnature@yandex.ru
Our Telegram: https://t.me/we_and_nature
A Telegram group with our purchases on marketplaces: https://t.me/+2GSdltNsxx05YTU6
Telegram channel of our daughter Masha (We also visit there sometimes): https://t.me/+B3NkrdCUdCMxZmEy
Our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDUo5jwMd6AGhijpLnzUQqg
Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5ecf3fb45eb290702295b865
Rutub: https://rutube.ru/channel/23794976/
The VK community: https://vk.com/club182103735
#withyourhands #catfood #babyfood #recipes #inautoclave #wein2 #retortset #inretortpackages #navode #firsttime #cooking