Learn how to make a friendship bracelet with a diamond pattern (advanced pattern). OPEN FOR MORE INFO...
My favorite brand of embroidery floss is DMC - https://amzn.to/3BQjx1O
DISCLAIMER: This is not as easy as my previous friendship bracelet tutorials. Watch my chevron tutorial first -- http://youtu.be/nNOioNDsg2s -- then come back. Once you know the knots, you'll be ready for this one. This video shows the overall pattern rather than how to tie each individual knot.
Cactus Friendship Bracelet:
Chevron Tutorial: http://youtu.be/nNOioNDsg2s
Heart Pattern Tutorial: http://youtu.be/mNsxFZn5sG8
Solid/Striped Tutorial: http://youtu.be/sZv8kTT15F4
Double Knot Bracelet Tutorial: http://youtu.be/K0iiUqbbXn0
+MATERIALS: Embroidery floss, ruler, scissors, button, clipboard
I used FIVE colors:
-the purple strand (whichever color you want to form the diamond) should be longest = 90 inches
-all other strands (red, coral, pink, white) = 65 inches
***The purple strand (or whichever strand you form the diamond with) has to be longest because you form the most knots with it. Technically, since I formed more knots with the darker strands, my measurements were more like...
PURPLE: 90 inches | RED: 65 inches | CORAL: 60 inches | PINK: 55 inches | WHITE: 50 inches
BUT... if that's too complicated, just make all non-diamond forming strands 65 inches long.
Filmed with... NIKON D3100 (+ 50mm f/1.8G lens & 18-55mm VR lens)
Edited with... iMovie '11
Music by Andrew Feeney: "Euphoric Moment"
(License purchased by me for commercial use)
All materials purchased by me.