Welcome to the Christmas Friend Friday Hop (2020)!
HOP OVER TO THE NEXT CRAFTER: https://youtu.be/2Nfk0QEpFrg
Today we will be working on 3 Farmhouse Rustic Christmas DIYs using mostly Dollar Tree Supplies! #friendfridayhop #friendfriday #heidisonbouldiy #diychristmasdecor #diydollartreechristmascrafts
Heidi Sonboul's DIY Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-qRjOBSP-h8ooxwQOmndtA
-Link to my video on (How To Rust Metals For Crafts): https://youtu.be/1d27aD1aRCM
-Other Christmas videos you might be interested in:
-Glue I used on today's project:
Fabri-Tac: https://www.beaconadhesives.com/product/fabri-tac/
-Font used on "Days until Christmas: Sign (downloaded from Dafont.com):
***Subscribe to my channel***: youtube.com/@LindasDIYbyDesign
😊😊😊F O L L O W M E😊😊😊
P I N T E R E S T:
B L O G:
I N S T A G R A M:
***If this video inspires you to make your own craft project, tag me on [email protected]'d love to see it!!***
😁My F A C E B O O K group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lindasdiybydesign
*Come join my group where we can share our creations together, be inspired and inspire others! If you are inspired by one of my creations and have recreated your own...I’d love to see it posted in this group! Show me your beautiful art! (Note: You must answer the approved questions to join)
***C O N T A C T M E:***
[email protected]
All the footage, photos and designs are my own and may only be used with my permission, not for commercial use. I am not sponsored by any of the products or tools shown in these videos unless otherwise mentioned. Videos are NOT made for children. Supplies, tools and many products are not for children.
Music: Christmas Village
Artist: Aaron Kenny
Source: YouTube Audio Library