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蘆薈洗顏皂DIY - how to make aloe vera handmade soap - 手工皂

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鄰居給了我一堆蘆薈,花了周末一整天的時間才全部切完,搞到整個腰酸背痛,之後應該得打很多蘆薈皂啦! 這款皂配方是設計給【中性偏油膚質洗顏】用的,高比例的米糠油讓洗感清爽不負擔,再加入貴森森的可可脂來撐硬度/耐用度,原料已經用得夠好就不做花樣了,素素的用本質取勝。 My neighor gave me a lot of aloe vera and it took me a whole day in the weekend to cut and take the gel. Now I have a lot of gel stock and I can make so many aloe soaps in the future. This recipe is designed for the facial use of neutral to oil skin. The rice bran oil provides the fresh touch and the cocoa butter enhances the durability. The materials are good enough, there is no need to make more patterns on it. 訂閱頻道/Subscribe👉 粉絲專頁/Facebook👉 聯絡信箱/E-mail👉[email protected]
