LOL :)
Yeh it's pretty nippy and going to give us some giggles,
I've got the acceleration set to "soft" and the ESC timing is at 9 and goes up
to over 30 :)
my new waders were inflating a bit and acting like a drogue-chute and also giving me a proper bubble-butt look, right chunky :)
so I reckon that lost me a few clicks on speed as well,
now I know that the batteries can take a bit more hammer I'll
pull the trigger harder and for longer on the next time out,
and I'll get myself a belt for the bubble butt waders,
Who knew scoobydoo I can have a J. LO too.
This build was about £1,300,
the shop bought ones will cost you about £16,000,
that's less than 1/10 the price and faster than most of them,
Have a smashing night mates and all the very best