I built a #pool #billiards ball polisher with a bucket and some other parts from #harborfreight and #homedepot . The results are amazing. I would totally recommend this if you have a #pooltable at home. Total price is max $86 dollars and that includes the #meguiars wax.
DIY Pool / Billiards Ball Polisher Parts
(These are just links to the products, I am in no way sponsored or benefiting from these links or companies)
Leg/Spacer for inside the bucket. ($7.86)
Extension Cord ($9.98)
Carpet Samples (5) ($5.00)
Velcro (5) ($14.85)
Buffing Bonnet Set ($7.97)
Orbital Polisher ($21.99)
Bucket ($2.99)
Meguiar’s Yellow Wax ($14.99)
Grand Total: $85.63
I also bought a nut and washer to secure the wooden leg inside the bucket but I don’t know what size they were, any hardware store will have those available for cents.
How To Build:
Drill a hole at the center bottom of the bucket so the thread of the contemporary bun pokes out and install a washer and nut on it to secure it. Make a hole on the side of the bucket for the extension cord. Put the buffing pad on the machine, plug it into the extension cord, click the power button to the on position, thread the cord in and out of the side of the bucket, and align the buffer in the center of the bucket. Cut the rug to size (I cut them the same size as the Velcro strips) apply the fuzzy side of the Velcro to the bucket and the other to the carpet.
Final Thoughts:
I know I said $60.00 in the video, I went in person to Home Depot, so the carpet samples were free. Also, you can find cheaper ways to attach it other than Velcro, you can definitely make this happen for under $60.00. In any case, even at $86.00, compared to $500.00 for a name brand pool ball polisher, this is a no-brainer.