Viewer have asked me for the best way I know to get pesky Stink bugs, Asian Lady bugs and even fleas from the indoors of their homes. This is an easy to make trap that may cost practically nothing to assemble. Virginia Tech University researches have tested this trap in real homes against store bought traps, some costing fifty dollars or more. (for more info on VT experiment click links below) . Not only did this trap beat out the store bought traps but it really works. I captured 62 of these way ward invasive Multicolored Asian Lady Bugs, also know as (Asian Lady Beetles or Harlequin Lady beetles) in one night, successfully eliminating these annoying flying pests at our dinner table. The trap is effective with stink bugs and several viewers shared great success with me in eliminating fleas as well! Try it and let me now if it works for you!
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See reports on the Virginia Tech Stink Bug trap here: