DIY Stamp Making, Block printing, Lino Cutting.. I'm going show you how to make stamps from this rubber carving block. I tried different ink to see what's best. This is kinda just my take on print making ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So you can make a stamp from a potato.. just cut it in half and use one of those sides.
When making a stamp the first thing to do is reverse your image.. if I wanted to do the °ᴗ* face thing.. when I stamp it it would be backwards.. reading x o.. so make sure you have your design reversed on the face of the stamp.
I then cut off all the white parts on the potato so that the black where I drew the design is raised up. That way when I press it on the paper.. the raised part is the only part that touches the paper:)
Stamps are good for repeating the same image over and over and over and overrrrrr... then when you run out of ink, you can just reload up your stamp and keep going.
Next I'm going to make some stamps using a rubber block and a Lino cutter:)
But first thing I need to do is figure out what I'm going to make a stamp of... and I had no idea. So I went to google (my search history is... not to weird this time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
So when I'm in a creative funk or don't know what to draw.. I usually just find images of things I like; hands, plants, skulls, sailor jerry tattoos.... and just recreate them. This works good as a warm up and also gets my mind going...
and.. WAK! (head hits table)... still can't think of what to draw..
Maybe if I just start drawing something will happen.... and... finally I got thought of image for the stamp:)
So now take your rubber block or what ever you are going to carve out a stamp.. and trace it on a paper so you know how big you can draw out the design.
Start drawing out the design on the paper. This doesn't have to be reversed, because you are going to press this on the rubber stamp to transfer the image.. (and that will automatically reverse the image onto the stamp:)
Make sure you draw pretty dark lines on the paper then what worked for me was to put rubber block on the paper and flip the paper and block over so the paper was on top.. and then rub it down with my fingers..
once it's transferred onto the stamp you can draw it out darker and get the lil details. Annnnnd you are ready to start carving out the stamp.
I am going to use black ink and I want the pencil lines on the stamp to be white. Where when I stamp it... the paper will show... so that is what I'm carving out.
I have lil lino cutter that has a bunch of different size cutting things.. so I pick the smallest one to start. You just unscrew the top of the Lino cutter and shover that bad boy in then tighten it back up.
Important thing you should know is... don't cut towards yourself or your hands.
once its done, you can use glass from a picture frame to put your ink on. A little goes a long way. Then take the lil roller thing and make sure its fully covered. then roll that guy on the stamp and you are good to go:)
List of materials:
$9 Rubber carving block:
$9.50 Lino cutte (red carving thing)r:
$9 block printing ink:
$10 ink brayer:
$8 Print making paper 40:
$9 Fabric ink:
$12 Potato that you can send some one with a custom message:
It's like $40 to start, but the Lino cutter is a one time buy and the ink will last for a bunch of prints. So... pretty fun and cheaper craft.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ameba - 1k
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Ameba - just you
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