Learn how to make a lined tote bag using this step by step tutorial from Whitney Sews. This is a beginner friendly project.
Measurements and step by step written instructions - http://whitneysews.com/?p=8564
Find my favorite sewing supplies HERE - https://www.amazon.com/shop/aglanceatmyworld
Tote Bag Playlist - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6bNa81aVS4Q0INK7P7r3Qy5skWwNSDmn
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Sew Your Stash Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/SewYourStash/
In background:
Fabric Bunting - https://youtu.be/gsSVLb_EzUw
**Find more tutorials and patterns at http://www.whitneysews.com **
This video and many other Whitney Sews tutorials are close captioned for your convenience.
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