최초 음주 본인등판한 애쉬 아일랜드! 내 친구 홍원아 DM 좀 봐줘 | ASH ISLAND_WONDER | 윤진영 | 본인등판 | Look Me Up
ASH ISLAND is looking for YANGHONGWON who has ghosted him.
YANGHONGWON with whom he lost touch after promising to feature as a guest on his new album “ROSE”
YANGHONGWON who doesn’t read DMs but clicks Like on Instagram Story
If you watch Look Me Up, contact Yun Jin Young.
00:00 Look Me Up - ASH ISLAND
00:10 🔎 애쉬 아일랜드 (ASH ISLAND)
09:16 🔎 Youtube
10:53 🔎 dcinside
13:19 🔎 HIPHOPLE
13:43 🔎 theqoo
14:12 🔎 instiz
14:34 🔎 Melon
K-POP Wonderland, 1theK
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K-POP Wonderland, 1theK
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