A common claim on social media and nutrition books is that a high-carb diet causes insulin resistance. We review whether scientific evidence supports this claim. - SUPPORT OUR CREATION OF FREE CONTENT PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NourishedbyScience TIP JAR: https://nourishedbyscience.ck.page/products/tip-jar - SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL FOR MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAUvJ3V-lOqWvgU6mYJe7Fw?sub_confirmation=1 - JOIN THE NOURISHED BY SCIENCE PREVENTION PROGRAM https://nourishedbyscience.com/prevention-program/ - VIDEO DESCRIPTION A common claim in many YouTube videos and other posts on social media as well as numerous nutrition books is that eating a high-carb diet is a major cause of insulin resistance. The argument is that eating a high-carb diet leads to regular increases not just in blood sugar, but also in blood insulin levels and that the cells of the body become ‘numb’, i.e. resistant, to the effect of insulin over time due to this excessive exposure to insulin. In this video, we are assessing whether this claim is supported by scientific evidence. - LINK TO BLOG POST AND REFERENCES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS VIDEO https://nourishedbyscience.com/do-carbs-cause-insulin-resistance/ - TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Introduction 03:26 Does Hyperinsulinemia Cause Insulin Resistance? 03:56 Insulin Resistance as a Result of Hyperinsulinemia in Clamp Studies 06:46 Insulin Resistance as a Result of an Insulinoma 07:37 Conclusion: Does Insulinemia Cause Insulin Resistance? 09:10 Do High-Carb Diets Cause Insulin Resistance, and Do Low-Carb Diets Improve Insulin Sensitivity? 14:43 Summary & Conclusions - LINKS Nourished by Science Online: Homepage: https://www.nourishedbyscience.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/NourishedbySci Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Nourished-by-Science-590314798319620 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.by.science/ Medium: https://medium.com/@mario.kratz - SIMILAR VIDEOS Causes of Insulin Resistance: The Personal Fat Threshold https://youtu.be/cP57oM8lBaU?si=_Ctsbsdfuc2gC_-i Measuring Insulin Resistance https://youtu.be/OZtxodqOBbw?si=NY1mMDiaqgjQ6ZYX Regulation of Blood Sugar https://youtu.be/Yg9AS2sfY9Y?si=-NblJEM3vb8RT0zu How to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes (Without Reducing Carb Intake) https://youtu.be/yg0Y3eNSANg?si=8O2NYL1yYgYgDhNs How to Use a Continuous Glucose Monitor for Maximum Benefit https://youtu.be/Fce5Tyul6ng?si=QgSA8WGBqAzIDnWb - DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY https://nourishedbyscience.com/disclosures/ - DISCLAIMER The content of this video, this YouTube channel in general, and our blog at www.nourishedbyscience.com is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be health or medical advice. Although we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information posted to this Website, we can make no guarantees as to how the information and advice provided herein will affect you and your personal situation. If you need or require individual advice or guidance, then you should consult with a professional who can assist you. For our full disclaimer, please refer to https://nourishedbyscience.com/disclaimer/