Most High-Speed Coaster DO-DODONPA full length POV11
新施設プレスプレビューレポート :
DO-DODONPA has been SBNO since 12th Aug. 2021 because some customers were injured. Probably due to incorrect riding.
0:17 While riding, Keep your head on the safety pillow, face the front and hold onto the safety harness.
0:52 We bring you the excitement of 180km/h. DO-DODONPA launch!
1:35 フン!と聞こえるのは、自身の笑い声かも?
Type : Air Launch, 180km/h in 1.56second, 39.7m Vertical Loop
Builder : S&S - Sansei Technologies
Fuji-Q Highland, Fujiyoshida Yamanashi, JAPAN
ジェットコースター 絶叫マシン Roller Coaster
#富士急ハイランド #ドドドンパ