On this committal service graveside, the grave wall collapsed underneath the backfill dirt.
There are many routes we can take to fix an issue, such as this in the cemetery. Our first option is to contact gravediggers to have the grave dugout before we can continue with our committal service setup.
Our other option If the gravediggers weren't available is to set what is referred to as a false set.
In any line of work, issues like this may arise. our goal when disaster happens is to have things fixed in time for the family to have the graveside committal service they're expecting.
If all goes according to plan, the families that we service will never know.There were complications in the committal service setup process.
It is an honor to provide burial vault and committal service setups for all the families in our area.In the funeral homes that serve the families as well.
For more information about the reasons for the use and practicality of burial vaults, please visit
For interest in false set committal services situations please visit
For information regarding steep hillside setups please visit
Personal Contact Info
P.O. Box 388 Oakwood Illinois 61858
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