Do-it-yourself shower tray for tiles. REDUCING KHRUSHCHOVKA from A to Z # 21 Who was interested in overalls - here it is)
Friends, hello everyone! In this issue, I will continue to renovate the bathroom, today I will fill the shower tray in the bathroom. As a basis, I took the project of a bathroom in a similar Khrushchev, which we did earlier. This layout allows you to place a shower, washing machine, installation and washbasin in such a compact room, and there is still a little space left. In order to make a shower tray or ladder with my own hands, I need to do some preparatory work.
Let's get to work!
1.01: 00 Stage 1: Preparation, I install an electrician, put out exits on the water, cover up the grooves
2. 04:28 Correcting errors !! Let's go back to the electrical panel and voltage relay again.
3.06: 57 Stage 2: Marking the future shower tray.
4. 07:47 Stage 3: I set up the ladder and sewer pipes. How to calculate everything correctly.
5. 09:13 Stage 4: Do-it-yourself formwork.
6. 12:19 5 stage: Filling the side of the shower stall.
07.16.15 Step 6: Backfilling the pallet.
8. 18:46 Stage 7: Installation of beacons and pouring sand concrete.
9. 22:45 Stage 8: Pruning. We cut the sand concrete for a flat surface of the future shower tray.
10. 24:47 Estimate for materials and work.
Music score Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
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