Some points discussed during this Khutbah:
– The great blessing of waking up safe in one’s home, in one’s bodily health and having enough provisions for the day.
– Taking the means, depending upon Allāh and having good thoughts of Him.
– Those who truly appreciate the blessing of safety and security.
– Guarantees from Allāh for those who establish Tawḥīd and abandon shirk.
– Supplications the Prophet ﷺ would not leave off.
– The astonishing ingratitude of mankind.
– Blessings many people neglect and lose out on.
– Guidance from the Messenger ﷺ regarding what we should do when we see a person who has been afflicted.
– An example of the gratitude of the Salaf and how they would perceive things.
– Seeking refuge with Allāh from hunger and asking for sufficiency in one’s sustenance.
– The cure for the sickness of ingratitude.