So, do they actually still manufacture 8 track tapes? Some folks seem to think that they still do. I found this a little hard to believe, so I decided to do some research. The answer may surprise some of you.
8 tracks were all the rage in the 70s and into the early part of the 80s. Growing up in that period, I recall so many cars had 8 track players in them. They really were everywhere. I recall seeing portable 8 track players when I was a boy in the 70s. They were the portable players of choice for a time, right between transistor radios of the 60s, and cassette walkmen of the 80s. They were sometimes even part of someone's component home stereo system!
If you get a chance, I do have another video that talks about why 8 tracks died. I will post a link to that video at the end of this video. They were certainly hugely popular for a very brief moment in time. But once cassettes (and especially walkmen came along) their fate was sealed. Unlike vinyl that kind of faded away in the 90s but then came back with a vengeance, it seems 8 tracks were destined to never make a true comeback.
Now, there are some very small indie labels out there that do handmade 8 tracks. They mostly do this for the sake of offering fans a collectible, or something quirky and unusual. I assume that in most cases, these labels have gotten their hands on a used 8 track recorder that still works, and they make each tape by hand, one by one.
8 tracks still pop up on the second hand market. I see them fairly often in thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets. They often pop up on your local Salvation Army, Goodwill or Value Village. But they always had a reputation for being very unstable, and very quick to snap. And people hated that you couldn't rewind or fast forward them.
So, in this video, I take a close look at whether or not there is still a factory out there somewhere in the world still manufacturing 8 track cartridges.
Did you collect 8 tracks? Do you still collect them? Do you think they are fun? Or do you think they are completely worthless? Do you have an all time favorite 8 track? What kind of player do you have? Feel free to leave a comment!
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