Consistent mobility and stretching is vital to becoming a better cyclist, reaching your full potential and preventing injury. The Dynamic Cyclist Daily Stretching & Mobility program provides a video routine for every day of the year tackling adaptive muscle shortening and common muscle imbalances in cyclists that may cause discomfort and lead to injury if they are not addressed.
This routine will help stretch tight quads and hamstrings, relieve tension in the hips, and give your upper-back, neck and shoulders some much needed TLC.
We recommend doing this Stretching & Mobility routine after a workout or ride as a cool-down to lengthen and release tension out of your muscles.
Standing Single-Leg Quad Stretch to Forward Fold
Cat / Cow to Tabletop Twist
Hamstring Hook to IT Opener with a strap
Knee Hug to Happy Baby
Kneeling Arm & Wrist Stretch
Neck and Shoulder Sequence
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