Hey beautiful people, in this video I show you my start to finish hair growth routine for optimal growth! If you:
🌟Have been stuck at the same length for years?
🌟Have hair that constantly breaks off no matter what you do?
🌟You don’t have a set hair routine and make it up as you go along?
…this simple routine is for you.
Steps below 👇🏾
0️⃣If high porosity do a hot oil treatment before shampoo if low porosity skip to next step.
1️⃣Shampoo with Hair Growth Shampoo (https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/herbal-infusion-hair-growth-shampoo-300ml) and Massaging brush (sections of 4) (packed with so many potent herbs that nourish, strengthen and stimulate hair regrowth)
2️⃣Finger detangle in those sections gently with Tangle Slayer(https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/smooth-as-silk-tangle-slayer-extreme-slip-detangling-conditioner), rewetting to activate the conditioner.
3️⃣Squeeze out excess water, apply Deep Conditioner (https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/honey-watermelon-infusion-ultimate-moisture-deep-conditioner) into smaller sections minimum 20 minutes. For Low Porosity use a steam cap to optimise moisture penetration 💦
4️⃣Rinse, Apply Leave in Conditioner (https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/honey-watermelon-infusion-ultimate-moisture-leave-in-conditioner) in sections of 6
5️⃣Proceed to stretched hair style. Blow out with my trusty rev air on speed 7 heat 1 until my hair is 95% dry. Link for RevAir 👉🏾 MyRevAir.com/janetdavies use my code JANETDAVIES for 💰 off
6️⃣ Finger detangle, brush through
7️⃣Blow out on speed 7 heat II for 10 secs max to get my hair stretched
8️⃣Apply Hair Strengthening Oil https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/hair-strengthening-oil-100ml-3-4fl-oz to seal.
9️⃣ Apply Extra Strength Hair Growth Potion (https://ominiranaturals.com/products/hair-growth-potion-extra-strength) to my hairline/areas of concern.
🔟Wear braids as a protective style, release after a minimum of 4 days.
Try this every 2 weeks and just see how much length you will retain. 💫
🌟 Blow out maintenance video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGRLE6DBb7I&t=750s
⚡️⚡️All products are from @ominiranaturals/ OminiraNaturals.com we have a 24hour Anniversary Sale today!! ⚡️⚡️
🌟Sign up to the waitlist on the website for exclusive restock alerts 🌟
00:00 - Intro
My fave products:
🌟Extra Strength Hair Growth Potion - https://ominiranaturals.com/products/hair-growth-potion-extra-strength
🌟Hair Growth Shampoo -https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/herbal-infusion-hair-growth-shampoo-300ml
🌟Tangle Slayer - https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/smooth-as-silk-tangle-slayer-extreme-slip-detangling-conditioner
🌟Deep Conditioner - https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/honey-watermelon-infusion-ultimate-moisture-deep-conditioner
🌟Leave in Conditioner - https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/honey-watermelon-infusion-ultimate-moisture-leave-in-conditioner
🌟Hair Strengthening Oil - https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/hair-strengthening-oil-100ml-3-4fl-oz
🌟Silk Scrunchies - https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/large-silk-scrunchies-set-of-2-luxurious-silk
🌟Silk Pillowcase - https://ominiranaturals.com/collections/home-page/products/luxurious-silk-sleep-companion
🌟RevAir dryer - https://revair.pxf.io/JANET take 10% off with the code JANET ✨
🌟Hooded Dryer - https://amzn.to/3ynsGsV
// H A I R D E T A I L S
- Type: 4A/B
- Density: Thick
- Porosity: Low
I post daily updates in real time
// E M A I L
// J A N E T D A V I E S
I'm a UK Youtuber who focuses on Natural Hair Care, Motherhood & Entrepreneurship
// M U S I C
(Prod. by Basman GZ
Tags / Keywords because we all want this video to do well! 😘
Long Hair Routine, Protective Styling, How to Grow Short Natural Hair, How to fix shedding, How to stop breakage, How to grow long natural hair, *Updated* Hair Growth Routine Start to Finish, Length retention, Natural Hair Journey, Natural Hair Growth Tips, Postpartum shedding, balding, female pattern hair loss, male pattern hair loss, ayurveda, ayurvedic herbs