"Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck demonstrate tests you can do to tell if your Sciatica is true Sciatica or is something else like Piriformis Syndrome, Spinal Stenosis, or coming from your hip?
0:00 Intro Song
0:09 Intro to Video
0:33 What is Fake Sciatica?
0:57 Subscribe!
1:12 Most Common Cause of Sciatica
1:36 Straight Leg Test
2:57 Slump Test
3:59 Test 3
4:35 Piriformis
6:00 Is Your Muscle Tender?
6:13 Brad's Way
6:31 Piriformis Test
7:14 Piriformis Test #2
7:41 Piriformis Test #3
8:14 What is Spinal Stenosis?
9:48 Is It a Hip Problem?
10:14 Is It Regular Back Pain?
10:38 Outro
11:00 Broken Heart
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