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In this profound and deeply moving testimony, licensed therapist Mary Jo Rapini shares her life-changing near-death experience (NDE) after suffering a brain aneurysm. Mary Jo takes us through the terrifying moments leading up to her NDE, where she experienced a divine encounter with God and witnessed a beautiful, heavenly light. With raw vulnerability, she explains how this encounter transformed her outlook on life, faith, and love. Mary Jo reflects on the spiritual lessons she learned and how they continue to guide her both personally and professionally. Her story of healing, surrendering to God's will, and finding compassion will inspire and uplift anyone who watches.
#NDE #NearDeathExperience #DivineEncounter #FaithJourney #BrainAneurysmSurvival #HeavenlyExperience #GodsLove #SpiritualAwakening #CompassionAndHealing #LifeAfterDeath #MiracleSurvivor #TherapistTestimony #LifeChangingExperience #HeavenlyVision #LettingGoAndTrustingGod #MaryJoRapini #PowerOfSurrender #DivineHealing #SpiritualTransformation #FaithTestimony #LoveBeyondHumanUnderstanding