Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a muddled, messy film that potentially ruins the future debuts of the X-Men and Fantastic Four, makes Doctor Strange a passenger in his own movie and turns the Scarlet Witch into a fool. In this review and analysis, I break down Sam Raimi’s culpability, Disney & Marvel’s responsibility in this whole thing, and some of the few saving graces of the film.
0:00 Phase Four Has Been A Disaster
01:45 Synopsis
02:06 No Good, Horrible Writing
10:36 The Bait & Switch: How To Ruin X-Men and Fantastic Four
13:55 The Editing
15:02 Sam Raimi & Misplaced Direction
16:55 The Acting: A Saving Grace
18:36 Where Do We Go From Here?
19:27 I Interview Benedict Cumberbatch
#doctorstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness #Doctorstrange2 #benedictcumberbatch #fantasticfour #xmen #professorx #scarletwitch #reedrichards #johnkrazinski #mcu #review #videoessay #marvel #dc #analysis #samraimi #illuminati #samraimi