00:03:15 Air So Sweet
00:04:18 Cool Girl
00:07:47 Party Tattoos
00:08:38 I Kissed Someone (It Wasn't You)
00:11:25 Guiltless
00:15:09 Human
00:18:32 Special Girl
00:24:32 old song mashup
00:26:06 Sick of Losing Soulmates
00:30:24 ?
00:31:41 Four Tequilas Down
00:34:04 .
00:34:54 Sorry
00:37:42 When
00:42:53 Before the Line
00:48:49 Rainbow
00:50:21 She
00:55:23 dodie takes a shot with some of the audience
00:57:47 If I'm Being Honest
00:58:42 If I'm Being Honest attempt 2
01:03:38 Boys Like You
01:07:25 Monster
01:12:02 In The Middle
01:17:42 Hate Myself
01:24:36 Would You Be So Kind
- Anne
You can find me on:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/dancinginspace
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4TM3RnvL0eyM1CJvegEQST?si=lWITj4QpQWm2XfTidDJ1Kg&nd=1
Get my debut poetry collection Whatever May Be On Your Mind!
Physical copy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MHSQKY4/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_9PSEGW9FGFMQ97GGYSZ5
E-book: https://www.store.bookleafpub.com/product-page/whatever-may-be-on-your-mind