#8BitDo recently released their mod kit to retrofit original #N64 controllers with modern, wireless hardware. This mod takes away the connection with original hardware, but makes a fantastic way to play games on #NintendoSwitch with Nintendo Switch Online. However, Nintendo launched their own authentic-feeling, N64 controller last year to coincide with the NSO Expansion Pak's release. Can 8BitDo compete?
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- 8BitDo Mod Kit build timelapse: https://www.tiktok.com/@gamexdata/video/7269458986938879278?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7252394750264804910
- 8BitDo Mod Kit: https://shop.8bitdo.com/products/8bitdo-mod-kit-for-original-n64-controller?variant=42794771415217
- NSO Controller: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/nintendo-64-controller/
- Kitsch-Bent parts (Referral Code): https://kitsch-bent.refr.cc/gamexdata
- NSO Controller Teardown: https://youtu.be/pTzTTmBW9Uo
- 8BitDo Mod Kit build impressions: https://youtu.be/QT1hD85eGjM
00:00 Intro
01:12 Nintendo's Controller
04:57 8BitDo's Mod Kit
09:36 Final Thoughts
10:27 Outro