Unboxing, testing, and checking out this retro TV with a unique design. Hacking up a system to transmit modern video through the old antenna! Read the companion written piece to this video here: https://posttruth.substack.com/p/does-this-1982-tv-still-work
00:00 Unboxing and Cool Design
02:02 Does it work?
03:21 Hacking the antenna
06:00 Final build
Subscribe to Post Truth at https://posttruth.substack.com/ -- where I write about Internet culture, AI, and tech.
My name is Maxime and I’m an AI researcher. I studied at the intersection of AI and robotics for both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of California, Berkeley. I’m currently a research scientist in industry, and I was formerly at Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research, one of the world’s foremost AI research groups.
I’ve worked on robotics, automated skin cancer detection, neural-network-based image compression, and behavioral modeling.